Why choose us

“Unlock Team Potential with Clues, Trust, and Shared Feasts.”

🐯 Hire Us. We Know.

🐯 HR worries. Always.  

🐯 Budget cuts. Time short. Culture clashes. 

🐯 Logistics hell. Bored faces in chairs.

🐯 We fix it!

Tiger Solve Problems

Problem 1: 💦“Team building fails. They groan. They check phones.”


We do not force trust. We build it. Treasure hunts. Amazing races. Offices turned puzzle boxes. Men sweat. Women laugh. Teams forget they are teams.

Problem 2: 💦“Family Day? Complaints. Chaos. Kids cry.”


We bring tents. Magicians. Balloon artists. Grills that smoke. Prizes that matter. Fathers race sons. Mothers win. Uncles drink. Everyone leaves sticky, smiling.  

Problem 3: 💦“Annual dinner dull. Speeches. Cold chicken.”


We kill speeches. Hire fire-eaters. String lights over tables. Menus that sing. Awards with nicknames, not job titles. Dance floors that creak by midnight.  

Problem 4: 💦“Amazing Race? Permits. Rain. Injuries.”


Permits filed. Medics on site. Routes scouted. Rain plans ready. Clues in Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, English. No one lost.

Problem 5: 💦“Multinationals. Sensitivities. Religions. Rules.”


We know. Hindu holidays. Muslim prayer times. Chinese superstitions. Western HR handbooks. We read them. We respect them.